Florida Judge Guilty of Mortgage Fraud

Thomas E. Stringer of Tampa plead guilty to a bank fraud charge. The hefty jail time facing Stringer could be in upwards of thirty years. A break in the case though for Stringer is that no parties sustained financial loss in the crime, so Stringer may only face forfeiture of the funds acquired from the fraud itself. No date on sentencing has been confirmed as of yet. The premise of Stringer’s fraudulent scheme was to receive a loan for a residential property in Hawaii. A mortgage application made by Stringer was falsified by saying that he did not borrow any money for the down payment. In reality, he used a third party in borrowing some money. The FBI investigated the case to its conclusion, in partnership with two US Attorneys.

White collar crimes and mortgage fraud are criminal matters that must be dealt with the utmost care and effectiveness. Criminal defense attorney Ralph Behr handles such matters and is ready to take on your case face-to-face. Schedule a complimentary consultation with Mr. Behr and come with questions ready to ask, if you have any. He can take you through all the courtroom procedure and get you closer to the verdict you are seeking. All cases from Palm Beach County to Broward County to Miami-Dade are accepted.

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