Excerpt from Attorney Ralph Behr’s Book. Street Smarts- Criminal Law 1.01 – Police Contact. Why is the Cop Talking to Me?

IMG_6709-2-194x300POLICE CONTACT          

100 ‘most asked ‘ questions


9 times out of 10 he’s talking to you because he needs something more from you to make a valid arrest.

The police cruiser may have “TO SERVE AND PROTECT” printed on the door, but that’s not the truth.  The police are there “TO INVESTIGATE AND ARREST”. 

They are not there to protect your rights.  That’s what a lawyer is for.

If a police officer is talking to you assume he is conducting an investigation.  DO NOT cooperate in a police investigation if you are the person of interest.

You cannot know what is in the mind of the police officer.  You can only assume he is conducting an investigation with the objective of making an arrest.   It is naïve to assume anything else.

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