
New Florida Law To Cut Down Prescription Abuse

Governor Charlie Crist has signed into law a prescription drug tracking bill that will put a damper on the pill pipeline into eastern Kentucky. One such case that recently has been completed revolving around this “pipeline” is that of a Broward County pain clinic patient accused of obtaining pills and selling them in Kentucky. Oxycodone was the drug involved in this crime.

The new law will “definitely help,” says Sheriff Terry Keelin of the Boyd County Sheriff Department in Kentucky. 90 percent of the suspects in the Boyd Sherrif Office have been obtaining their pills from Florida. “Operation Pill Crusher” has received 105 people indicted during the program, and of those a large number were also from Florida clinics.

Drugs from cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine, LSD, marijuana, or any other controlled substance are typical cases handled by Attorney Ralph Behr in the course of his work week at the county and federal courthouses. His Fort Lauderdale law offices are located down the street from the Fort Lauderdale courthouse and are accessible every day of the week from 8am to 6pm. Please call and schedule your appointment with Mr. Behr himself.

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