
South Florida DUI Enforcement in Full Swing

The winter holiday season is one of good times and cheer. But drinking does not mix in with driving your car back home from that pub where you melted away your woes from the work day.

Troopers say winter is the most dangerous time of the year because more drivers hit the road after one, two, or even more drinks after holiday parties. This added together with more motorists traveling at all hours for gatherings, and the combo all too often leads to tragedy.

If you find yourself unable to drive home, call 800-AAA-HELP for a free tow and ride courtesy of AAA.

Should you happen to run into legal issues regarding your own DUI/DWI arrest, call Attorney Ralph S. Behr immediately so he can get your case heard and solved. After handling hundreds of these types of cases, Mr. Behr knows exactly how to lower sentencing levels, limit probationary periods, and possibly prevent a license revocation.

Be Safe this holiday season, and Happy New Year on behalf of the Law Offices of Ralph S. Behr.

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