
Daughter of US Rep Gets a DUI in Florida

D’Anne Leigh Mica, 34, was arrested by police in downtown Orlando last Friday in the wee hours for driving under the influence. Her blood alcohol content was twice the legal limit in the state of Florida. She just left a Mexican restaurant and divulged to officers that she has downed one or two cocktails. A $500 bail was put on her release from Orange County Jail.

An arrest for Driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense, and a driver can be charged with a DUI offense if his or her blood alcohol level tests at .08% or higher. The state of Florida has some of the toughest DUI laws in the United States.

DUI and other drug offenses are regularly handled by the criminal defense Law offices of Ralph Behr. Please give him a call regarding your specific case and any details so Mr. Behr can help you as quickly as possible. All cases from Palm Beach down to Miami-Dade are within jurisdiction for the law offices and can be retained immediately. Do not hesitate one more day to get information about DUI law, case law regarding this issue, or your judge and severity.

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